Things going on in my mind

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Let's not let those right wing nut jobs take this one away...

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the Griswold vs. Connecticut Supreme Court case in which it says states cannot have/make laws that prohibit counseling and use of contraception. Because of this case women were no longer looked upon to be the stay at home moms they once were. This case gave them the control to become part of society and enter the workforce. This case is the reason the infant mortality rate and maternal death rates have declined so much in the past 40 years. Today women make up nearly half of the work force, up from 1/3 in 1965.
Despite these things there are still pharmacists who refuse to fill women's prescriptions for birth control. There are still lawmakers who think family planning isn't a public health benefit. These facts are sickening. We are moving backwards on our progressions when pharmacists, whose job it is to fill whatever prescription a doctor sees fit to give someone, can refuse to do so without losing their job. If the damn pharmacist doesn't feel right filling every prescription they need to quit! They are in the wrong career. They have no right to force their "moral obligations" on others who don't agree. If you agree with this please sign this petition to not let pharmacists send women back to the times before the Griswold ruling:


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