Back after a long time away
Hopefully I will start posting on a regular basis - but I know I'm lazy as fuck, so I'm not putting any money on it.
Today is the last day of spring break I don't want to go back to class! I know that from now til the end of the semester is going to be one big bitch because of all the end of semester papers and the fact that I have to have my manager day in Tearoom on the 1st day of VEISHEA, which just happens to be the day of the Boston marathon
So there won't be any enjoying VEISHEA for me this year
I don't know why I have to take that god damned class - it's not like I'm going to have anything to do with a restaurant in my career. It should be an optional class for those who want to go into a restaurant-related job.
I hate school this semester. I'm totally unmotivated to the point that I really don't give a fuck about my grades. This is a 1st time experience for me. Usually I'm the student that has all the 1st chapters of the textbooks read before the class even starts, and am always on top of things - yeah I *was* that student. Now, I dunno what happened, but I've changed for the worse. All I care about is running and my boyfriend, Zach. All I wanna do is run and eat. I don't even enjoy sleeping anymore. It just seems like a waste of time. I need to find a way to get a lot of quick cash that isn't illegal so I can drop out of school and travel the world and run in all the countries I visit.
I've heard that this feeling is called a "quarter-life crisis". Whatever the fuck it is, my anti-depressants aren't making it go away. I switched meds & don't get as low as I did, but I'm still in a funk. I'm thinking I should just stop taking my meds - it's not like I'm any better now than before I started on them. Zach thinks I am though, so that's why I continue popping them day in and day out even though I'm probably damaging my liver as much as a typical college student who drinks every weekend.
On a happier note - today is my long run, which will be 14 miles. I'm going to wait for a couple of hours til the sun comes up to head out. Last weekend I hit the wall at about mile 13, so this week I'm going to bring some Gatorade and maybe some cereal to eat about halfway through.
You've been tagged! :o)
Atheism Sucks! sucks, at 2:50 AM
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